Monday, September 29, 2008

These is going to be on native american people. To be more specific it is going to be about a native american tribe that is called the inuits. The inuitpeople has another name that is the eskimos. The imformation is going to be about three things that are about weapons, wars, and hardships.

The inuit tribe has weapons that most of the indians used. They had weapons like spears and different kind of knifes. The inuit tribe had a weapon that used to be very famous, the weapon is 1a bow and arrow. They had other weapons like guns and harpoons. The inuit tribe made the knifes out of steal. The inuit tribe used steel knifes to hunt and also to use for protection sometimes.

The inuit people were settled in which is today Canada and some parts of alaska. The inuit tribe didnt like the people that came to canada and alaska which are the europeans. The inuit people and the europeans did not really get along. They had a war that was in the year 1960. The war was called world war 2 in the 1960s. The inuit people and the european people had another war. The war was called the cold war.

The inuit tribe hardships were very diffecult for them. they had diffeculties with the european people. The european people tryed to take over the inuits tribe. The europeans also tried to take over the land of the inuit tribe. That is what formed the the war. the inuit people suffered a lot because of the europeans. Many of the inuit people got killed and died because the europeans wanted to take over the land and they had greater or more power.
The inuit tribe has lots of weapons that they used. They also had weapons that are very common for the native american people. They had a few wars the wars were mostly with the european people. They named two wars after those two wars. The first one was called world war 2 to 1960.the second war was called the cold war. The europeans also caused the inuit tribe suffering. The hardship paragraph is based on these things.
The inuit tribe is a very good topic to work on. It is a good topic because it has lots of information to write about. The inuit tribe helps understand that people today should be happy for what they have. The inuit tribe mostly lived in igloos which is made of ice.